Rings of Power: Tolkien’s European Mythology Subverted!


Word Count: 3,510

In a world where every aspect of Tradition is under attack, we knew that eventually they would come for the Lord of the Rings. In fact, the entire fantasy genre, which was largely inspired by Lord of the Rings, has been the victim of a targeted subversion campaign by the woke brigade for years now. Lord of the Rings could not be left untouched.

Perhaps the process of subverting the fantasy genre really got underway with “Game of Thrones”. This was an easy first target. George R. R. Martin’s series, “A Song of Ice and Fire”, on which that show was based, already contained many subversive elements- chief among them is the author’s utter disdain for the transcendent heroic quest. “Game of Thrones” is a story essentially about nihilism, where good never triumphs, any potential heroes die meaningless deaths, and the world descends deeper and deeper into misery, chaos, and despair. A perfect choice for HBO, which used the show as an opportunity to add in even more gratuitous violence and sex to highlight the total degeneracy of what was already a demoralising story.

Continue reading “Rings of Power: Tolkien’s European Mythology Subverted!”

Conservatism, Inc.

We Want the Groyper War

Robert Hampton

1,254 words
[Editors Note:
Great article, by Robert Hampton, and We hope he continues his superlative work.
As to his remarks about White Nationalism, at the end of the article, let us make an observation: The mention of WN 1.0, whatever this means, is another case of ‘punching right’, and has been encouraged by individuals who, regardless of their academic claims, have tried to disarm the ethno-nationalist momentum, at the expense of a legitimate continuity of interests, whereby the expression of a natural tendency to organize and voice their opinions, while being ‘outside’ of the halls of academia are, nevertheless, an essential and necessary element of Change.
Mr. Hampton is a young Writer, and it is interesting to note, that many of these views, regarding ‘activism’, are very much like the ‘boomer’ mentality, that many of his generation seem so consistently at odds, with.
As always, it takes many paths, to secure the Kingdom. ~ The Staff]

Do you want the Culture War?


Then you’re in luck.

The cuckservative student group Turning Point USA’s (TPUSA) “Culture War Tour” is traveling all over the country and igniting a battle its hosts didn’t intend. Rather than pitting the cringe conservatives of TPUSA against campus Leftists, the tour has become a Dissident Right guerrilla war. Young nationalists have taken over Culture War’s Q&As and grilled TPUSA leader Charlie Kirk on his bad ideas and goofy antics. Conservative Inc. is irate over this guerrilla war and is trying to crush it through censorship and an outrageous smear campaign.

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Apocalypse Now, Part 3

Apocalypse Now, Part 3

Fenek Solère

2,741 words

Part 3 of 3 (Part 1 here, Part 2 here)

Then, after a while, there were too many poor. Altogether too many. Folk you didn’t even know . . . Swarming all over . . . spreading through cities, houses and homes. Worming their way by the thousands, in thousands of foolproof ways. Through slits in your mail-boxes, begging for help, with their frightful pictures bursting from envelopes day after day, claiming their due in the name of some organization or other. Slithering in. Through newspapers, radio, churches, through this faction or that, until they were all around you, wherever you looked. Whole countries full, bristling with poignant appeals, pleas that seemed more like threats, and not begging now for linen, but for checks to their account. And in time it got worse. Soon you saw them on television, hordes of them, churning up, dying by the thousands, and nameless butchery became a feature, a continuous show, with its masters of ceremonies and its full time hucksters. The poor had overrun the earth . . .

— Jean Raspail, The Camp of the Saints (1973)

For decades our governments, without any form of democratic approval, have created the predicament we now find ourselves in through false-flag wars, regime-change charades, and by blurring distinctions between legal and illegal immigration. They’ve thrown open our borders and welfare systems to manic insurgents, opportunist chancers with an eye for our women, and anyone with a high degree of melanin and a low work-ethic. They are given promises of pecuniary incentives, provided that sufficient numbers of them vote the right way, giving the social engineers the raw organic material to create their Frankenstein-like monster of a multicultural utopia. These marauders then set about advocating endlessly for their own personal, familial, and tribal benefit, using every artifice at their disposal of supposed past injustices like “colonialism” and excuses such as “white privilege” to exploit our misplaced philanthropy and misguided generosity.

Citizenship: The Final Word

Chapter II


The world-city means cosmopolitanism in place of “home” . . . To the world-city belongs not a folk but a mob. Its uncomprehending hostility to all the traditions representative of the culture (nobility, church, privileges, dynasties, convention in art and limits of knowledge in science), the keen and cold intelligence that confounds the wisdom of the peasant, the new- fashioned naturalism that in relation to all matters of sex and society goes back far to quite primitive instincts and conditions, the reappearance of the panem et circenses in the form of wage-disputes and sports stadia–all these things betoken the definite closing down of the Culture and the opening of a quite new phase of human existence–anti-provincial, late, futureless, but quite inevitable.

Oswald Spengler

Frank L. DeSilva

Word Count 6,447


Adolf Wissel Peasant Family ~ 1939

A City is made up of individuals who, like cities, states, and nations have a rhythmic cycle in which their lives and fortunes are inextricably bound: Birth, Life, and senility, and in just this order. Individuals, those basic building blocs which are the elementary source and strength of any social dynamic, which envisions the socialization of its unique tribal acquaintances, are, so called, ‘fellow citizens’. Up until recent times, these tribal acquaintances were, as the word ‘tribal’ implies, of the same racial stock, and was duly understood to mean that, each in turn, were part of an extended family, and basked in the sacred fraternity of citizenship, the gift which organized city-states inferred upon its fellows to mark them unique, and empowered with special privileges as compared to the dark and abysmal counterparts which, in ancient times, were considered barbarians. This marked a complicated and natural aversion to ‘outsiders’, and invoked the enmity of opposites.

It is said that opposites attract.

Continue reading “Citizenship: The Final Word”

Etnofutur III 23.2.2019 osa 1/2

For the 3rd year in a row Estonia’s largest nationalist youth movement Blue Awakening will be holding an international conference where various nationalist thinkers and politicians from Europe and the US will be present. 26:30 Balazs Szabo, Hungary 1:25:00 Tomas Skorupskis, Lithuania 2:15:00 Frodi Midjord, Sweden Fedor Stomakhin, Estonia

What Are The Tenets Of White Nationalism?

What Are The Tenets Of White Nationalism?

Frank L. DeSilva

Word Count 1,027

Over the last Year, many have come to me, asking me what, exactly, are the ‘tenets’ of White Nationalism.

Firstly, I ask if they have read the complete Work. Mostly, these individuals have only read excerpts, here and there.

It is not a good idea, with any work, to take bits and pieces, put it together, and then introduce it to the public so, with that in mind, below is partial presentation of the 25 Points, as constructed in this Work.

The Reader should recognize, at the outset, that these ’25 points’ are, like all presentations of this type, workable and valuable, as seen by those who, collectively, added to the corpus. Likewise, as I have said before in the above Work, this collective effort is but a ‘watermark’, and as the future progresses, the final Edit, as it were, is yet to be penned.

Taken as a whole, however, these elements will not be modified in any significant way.

In case anyone who is reading this presentation or idea, for the first time, it should be noted that White Nationalism is not a rhetorical concept, and that this ideology is intended to become the foundation of a Political process, indeed, has become the foundation of a political movement. The implementation of this process is, as always, up to those spirits who have the insight and courage, to create and present this to the world.

For now, digest and reflect.


Continue reading “What Are The Tenets Of White Nationalism?”

White Nationalism: The Way Forward

White Nationalism: The Way Forward

Being a brief synopsis of the understanding and duties of the burgeoning

White Nationalist.

Frank L. DeSilva

Word Count 4,123

Forward into the Future.

The various manifestations of any traditional or revolutionary concept, idea, or methodology is largely due to national circumstance: popular [racial] identity, reactionary elements, visionary elements, financial depression and cultural insolvency.

In every epilogue of human events there exists, in stark relief, the metamorphosis of a People, or Folk-community. Regardless of any significant or insignificant attempt, or contribution too, any particular form of government, no matter the construct or principle, it is the people, the race-culture, which either is enslaved or liberated. Ironically, in terms of the former, slavery, to some, is ordered and constructive consumerism, which demands a certain consistency in social arrangements; to others, the lack of individualism, of sovereignty, marks the slave from the freeman. This balance has for millennia, swung from one extreme to the other.

This balancing act today, just as in yesteryear, is precarious one.

Continue reading “White Nationalism: The Way Forward”

The Elements Of White Nationalism: Body and Spirit

The Elements Of White Nationalism:

Body and Spirit

Frank L. DeSilva

Word Count 4,111

The various manifestations of any traditional or revolutionary concept, idea, or methodology is largely due to national circumstance: popular [racial] identity, reactionary elements, visionary elements, financial depression and cultural insolvency.

In every epilogue of human events there exists, in stark relief, the metamorphosis of a People, or Folk-community. Regardless of any significant or insignificant attempt, or contribution too, any particular form of government, no matter the construct or principle, it is the people, the race-culture, which either is enslaved or liberated. Ironically, in terms of the former, slavery, to some, is ordered and constructive consumerism, which demands a certain consistency in social arrangements; to others, the lack of individualism, of sovereignty, marks the slave from the freeman. This balance has for millennia, swung from one extreme to the other.

This balancing act today, just as in yesteryear, is precarious one.

Continue reading “The Elements Of White Nationalism: Body and Spirit”

The Nascent Beginning of Nationalism

The nascent Beginning of Nationalism

The origins of Life are consistent with the passage and evolution of its forms of Politics and Nation building; the first and foremost responsibility of each early individual was to his immediate family and, by extension, those nearest to him, this was his Folk-family, his Race. Any Nation, which was thereby considered and established by him, belonged to him in the only way possible:

By right of Birth.


Frank L. DeSilva

Word Count 3,379

It is said that we all are products of the Past. Everything we are, or can be, has been gifted to us by those who have gone before.

This is the first cause of all Nationalists. More precisely, this is the belief and knowledge of all Racial Nationalists who are called to stem the tide of suicide, murder, and retardation of their people who, as is known by all Nationalists, are their nation, entire, each belonging, by right of birth, that ever present gift, to that Once, and Future West.

Continue reading “The Nascent Beginning of Nationalism”

Prophetic Words On The Inevitable Struggle: How the West was Won

Prophetic Words On The Inevitable Struggle:

How the West was Won

Frank L. DeSilva

Word Count 7,237

[Editor’s Note: It is always profitable to look backwards, as it were, and see through the eyes of certain individuals who, as most have never been, in the ‘eye of the storm’, and given a certain perspective, that is then gifted to those with the ability to understand.

In going back over a work, written almost 30 years ago, We felt it timely, if it were presented, that those involved in our native conflagration, our struggle, might better view the over-all imperatives with which we are faced.

Rise of The West is such a work.

We extend, once again, our thanks to the Author, a stalwart defender of the West. The Staff]


The American West, in a strictly cultural sense, is broken up into distinct Nations.

At first glance, many who read this will wonder just what is being said, having no formal instruction other than what little they think they know from television and government ‘think tanks’. It is said that there are forty-eight ‘united states’ [within the Continental U.S.] but that each, voluntarily, make up the Nation as a political unit. In a purely political sense, this is apparent, yet, what is spoken of here is the precise components of biological nations, which inhabit that political unit called ‘america’. Each race-culture, such as Afro-american, Asian-american, Amer-Indian, Mexican-american, ad nauseum, constitute ‘specific’ [biological] nations which act, perform, congregate, celebrate, and decide political, moral, and social issues predicated upon those that are part of their particular race-culture in question. This is political reality.

Continue reading “Prophetic Words On The Inevitable Struggle: How the West was Won”