The Elements Of White Nationalism: Body and Spirit

The Elements Of White Nationalism:

Body and Spirit

Frank L. DeSilva

Word Count 4,111

The various manifestations of any traditional or revolutionary concept, idea, or methodology is largely due to national circumstance: popular [racial] identity, reactionary elements, visionary elements, financial depression and cultural insolvency.

In every epilogue of human events there exists, in stark relief, the metamorphosis of a People, or Folk-community. Regardless of any significant or insignificant attempt, or contribution too, any particular form of government, no matter the construct or principle, it is the people, the race-culture, which either is enslaved or liberated. Ironically, in terms of the former, slavery, to some, is ordered and constructive consumerism, which demands a certain consistency in social arrangements; to others, the lack of individualism, of sovereignty, marks the slave from the freeman. This balance has for millennia, swung from one extreme to the other.

This balancing act today, just as in yesteryear, is precarious one.

Continue reading “The Elements Of White Nationalism: Body and Spirit”

The Silent Brothers ~ Legacy of Defiance Chapter I

The Silent Brothers ~ Legacy of Defiance

[Over the last several Months, we have had an upsurge in requests for more information and material on a written Work that, for many, has much historical and persistent value about the state of our European ethos; more specifically, our American ethos.

We have highlighted this Author before, and Frank L. DeSilva is known by many as a comrade of Robert J. Mathews and David Eden Lane, and has written extensively on Philosophy, race, and Social sciences. He has begun to tell the story, the True Story, of the Silent Brothers or Bruder Schweigen, in which so much of this Story has brought us all to where we are, today. With so much going on today, with so many articulate and young spokesmen and women, it is always important to maintain a certain continuity, a memory, a Legacy if you will, so that one will always be able to gauge where, or how far, we have all come, in this continuing story of a Future West.

We are not sure how much material we will be highlighting, but whatever the amount, We here, at Foundations, have enjoyed every word. The Staff]

Frank L. DeSilva

Word Count 3,224

Chapter I

On a cool and windy morning, in the deep canyons of Arizona, a whisper of voices carried, hauntingly, across the undulating river; irregular outcroppings of massive rocks protruding through the icy-blue waters, adding the weight of years and memory and adding, also, to the majesty that was the Grand Canyon. It was my first prolonged trip to this area of my homeland, although I had driven through it many times; it was now that I found myself amongst some of the oldest of memories – the great canyon, made by extreme force, pressure, and violence was now peaceful, tranquil, and created a sense of beauty and harmony.

The year was 1980.

Continue reading “The Silent Brothers ~ Legacy of Defiance Chapter I”

The Ideology Of Logic: A Reply to Jordan Peterson

A Reply to Jordan Peterson

Kevin MacDonald

Word Count 2,762


Celebrity intellectual Jordan Peterson has written a blog post, “’On the So-Called ‘Jewish Question’,” the inner quotes indicating he doesn’t think this is a real issue—something that only “reactionary conspiracy theorists” would propose.  His blog includes a link to Nathan Cofnas’s criticism of The Culture of Critique. No links to my replies—which may provide a clue about his intellectual honesty.

Indeed, one must wonder about the seriousness of someone who thinks he can settle an issue that has gotten the attention of some of the most celebrated thinkers in Western history with an 1100-word blog post.

Continue reading “The Ideology Of Logic: A Reply to Jordan Peterson”

Macron: There is No Such Thing as French Culture

There is No Such Thing as French Culture

2,878 words

The Death Of France?

“There is no such thing as French culture. There is culture in France, and iisdiverse.”—Emmanuel Macron, globalist party candidate for the French presidency

“We’re just going to have to get used to living with terrorism.”— The same douche

No matter how you feel about the French, it can’t be fun choosing between open borders guy and commie lady. You think I’m joking? The press keeps howling that Marine Le Pen is further to the Right than Donald Trump . . . except that she wants more social spending, and Macron is the one who wants a more free-market labor economy. Hmmmm, this is tough . . .

Continue reading “Macron: There is No Such Thing as French Culture”

Soft Revolution: Part I

Soft Revolution

Part I

Frank L. DeSilva

Word Count 2,721

Drip, drip, drip.

Nothing like a little water, soft, nourishing, and consistent, to make a person realize the value and merit of a healthy drought.

Aesthetically, what of a broad expanse of Water, surrounded by undulating shoreline, outcroppings of boulders, natural debris, Pine trees, and blue sky? Magnificent, no?

Who wouldn’t want to swim, relax, or Fish in a venue such as this?

What of a Mountain stream, flowing steady, cascading brilliantly over a mountainous ridge, spilling outward and downwards, filling the basin below? What of the its great cousin, that Ocean of water, filling the great abyss of our natural home, giving us food, natural power, unlimited, and avenues of commerce and social contact?

We understand and feel some natural affinity to this placid description, knowing as well, that with a little help from Mother nature, a little change in atmospheric conditions, and viola, this placid context can soon change into tempest, Storm, and destruction.

Such is the placid life of a ‘drop’ of Water.

Containing such a valuable commodity, in the day to day routines of Life, as well, provide the individual an opportunity to share with the larger group, that Community, which sustains them both. There is a certain equanimity to this formula.

Remember, this all started with a single drip.

Such can be, and in most cases, is, the beginnings of change, of certain conditions necessary for rapid change; for Revolution.

Continue reading “Soft Revolution: Part I”

The Great Purge: The Deformation of the Conservative Movement

Where Conservatism Went Wrong:
A Review of The Great Purge: The Deformation of the Conservative Movement

2,310 words

Paul E. Gottfried & Richard B. Spencer (eds.)
The Great Purge: The Deformation of the Conservative Movement
Arlington, Va.: Washington Summit Publishers, 2015buckley

All political movements need a history, and such histories, if well-constructed, almost always coalesce into myth. Once mythologized, a movement’s past can inform its present members about its reason for being, its need for continuing, and its plans for the future. And this can be accomplished quickly – and without the need for study or research – in the form of what Edmund Burke called “prejudice.” “Prejudice,” Burke says, “is of ready application in the emergency; it previously engages the mind in a steady course of wisdom and virtue, and does not leave the man hesitating in the moment of decision, skeptical, puzzled, and unresolved.”

Prejudice is a time-saver, in other words, and it puts everyone on the same page. These are two invaluable things for any movement which aims to effect political change. For those who wish to participate in any of the various factions of the Alt Right and learn its history and myth, they do not need to go much farther than The Great Purge: The Deformation of the Conservative Movement.

Continue reading “The Great Purge: The Deformation of the Conservative Movement”

White Nationalism and the Internationale


White Nationalism and the Internationale:

The international dynamics and viability

of Ethno-Nationalism

Frank L. DeSilva

Word Count 2,056


The White Nationalist gets a good chuckle when opposition forces or simple ignorance champions the attack against ‘white nationalists’ as anti-internationalist. Nothing is further from the truth. The inter-nationalist character of White Nationalism is well documented, and has been a viable and healthy component of ethno-nationalism for a hundred years or more; over the past forty years, its has congealed into a defined and politically adept premise of the present-day white nationalist.

Continue reading “White Nationalism and the Internationale”

What is the White Nationalist Position on Labour?

What is the White Nationalist Position on



Frank L. DeSilva

Word Count: 1,310working-class

White Nationalists have stated, from the beginning, that every man has the right to work, work of his own making being the central thrust of this position, either directly supporting his family on a sustained area (i.e. Farm or ranch – food and livestock being of utmost importance to individuals and the nation), or as a worker for any number of public or governmental/civic areas that will foster his personal inclinations, his natural state of well-being and that of his family’s interests (i.e. those elements of free enterprise both within and outside of the ‘family’ proper). The struggle of man against the elements will, with time, produce those who are best suited to claim a heritage rich in both financial gain, as well as a proud legacy to their children. The White Nationalist sees the ‘worker’, specifically, as the ‘gross national product’ of any nation (This is true even amongst the various ethnic units, as they are, today, separate units in certain ‘states’, counties, and city limits). The purpose of white nationalism, in part, is to assure that this legacy, right, and duty, remain a living part of our culture. Those who do not work at their craft or ability, and remain healthy, will not benefit at the expense of the nation.

Continue reading “What is the White Nationalist Position on Labour?”

Radio Nordfront Interview: Frank L. DeSilva

Radio Nordfront  Interview


Frank L. DeSilva


Interview of the History, Meta-politics, and Spirituality of the European Peoples. The Silent Brotherhood is discussed. The American Elections, Donald Trump, Syria, Russia, Putin, and much more.