The Elements Of White Nationalism: Body and Spirit

The Elements Of White Nationalism:

Body and Spirit

Frank L. DeSilva

Word Count 4,111

The various manifestations of any traditional or revolutionary concept, idea, or methodology is largely due to national circumstance: popular [racial] identity, reactionary elements, visionary elements, financial depression and cultural insolvency.

In every epilogue of human events there exists, in stark relief, the metamorphosis of a People, or Folk-community. Regardless of any significant or insignificant attempt, or contribution too, any particular form of government, no matter the construct or principle, it is the people, the race-culture, which either is enslaved or liberated. Ironically, in terms of the former, slavery, to some, is ordered and constructive consumerism, which demands a certain consistency in social arrangements; to others, the lack of individualism, of sovereignty, marks the slave from the freeman. This balance has for millennia, swung from one extreme to the other.

This balancing act today, just as in yesteryear, is precarious one.

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The Nascent Beginning of Nationalism

The nascent Beginning of Nationalism

The origins of Life are consistent with the passage and evolution of its forms of Politics and Nation building; the first and foremost responsibility of each early individual was to his immediate family and, by extension, those nearest to him, this was his Folk-family, his Race. Any Nation, which was thereby considered and established by him, belonged to him in the only way possible:

By right of Birth.


Frank L. DeSilva

Word Count 3,379

It is said that we all are products of the Past. Everything we are, or can be, has been gifted to us by those who have gone before.

This is the first cause of all Nationalists. More precisely, this is the belief and knowledge of all Racial Nationalists who are called to stem the tide of suicide, murder, and retardation of their people who, as is known by all Nationalists, are their nation, entire, each belonging, by right of birth, that ever present gift, to that Once, and Future West.

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Mitchum Manliness: The Answer to White Male Surrender?

The Way of Mitchum:
So Manly You Could Even Skip a Day!

3,894 words

James Scott Bell
Manliness: The Robert Mitchum Way
Woodland Hills, Cal.: Compendium Press, 2016

“A man must defend his home, his wife, his children and his Martini.” — Jackie Gleason

As the direct descendent of one of England’s greatest detectives,[1] I have of course followed with interest the development of the genre, especially the rather more brutal American branch, so different from granddad’s genteel country house affairs.[2]

So when I noticed that bestselling thriller writer James Scott Bell had written a book on manliness, taking noir icon Robert Mitchum (1919–1997) as his lodestar, I grabbed a copy quicker than Hank Quinlan could slap a confession out of a Mexican shoe clerk.

Not just another look at the loss and possible return of manliness, this one, rooted in cultural history rather than parental basement and barroom theorizing, could teach the manosphere a few important truths as well.

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Medicine: The Folk-Community


The Folk-Community

Private Practice and Institutional Instruction

Frank L. DeSilva

Word Count: 1,938

[Editor’s Note: This is an excerpt from Foundations of The 21st Century]

White Nationalist Position on Medicine and Health Care.

The White Nationalist knows that of all public contact with professional members of the community, the Medical profession is the most important and personal of contacts that community members make in their lives – the possible exception to this would be the clergy – but the former is, by far, the most permanent and necessary element in a persons living reality.

Long before the present discussion of ‘national healthcare’, the white nationalist was inculcating that sense of duty, obligation, and compassion for members of his ethno-state; this did not start out as exhaustive, but was rife with the sense of duty and understanding that, firstly, the care of our newborn was paramount, as the necessity of new life begs the question of how best to prepare and pay for extended members of young families; secondly, the belief that our elderly were of the utmost extension of our sense of obligation to these persons, our Mothers and Fathers who, in their later years, deserve the honour and respect of their children (i.e. their folk-community) for the sacrifices (whether real or imagined) they made over the duration of their lives so that, in the end, their way of life and that of their children, might be handed to future generations for the maintenance of a brighter and long-enduring future.

In either case, Medical professionals are necessary.

Continue reading “Medicine: The Folk-Community”

Radio Nordfront Interview: Frank L. DeSilva

Radio Nordfront  Interview


Frank L. DeSilva


Interview of the History, Meta-politics, and Spirituality of the European Peoples. The Silent Brotherhood is discussed. The American Elections, Donald Trump, Syria, Russia, Putin, and much more.

White Nationalist Position: Education

What is the White Nationalist Position on


Frank L. DeSilva

Word Count: 1,531

The White Nationalist addresses the issue of Education as the Second most important 14370405_1827204880846988_6120395156362018165_nposition of our platforms; Education ranks second only because we define education proper as a fundamental result of flesh and bone, of Race. We recognize that without proper education from preschool to the University, our future generations will be unable to function properly as part of the body-politic, as even a intelligent and vibrant people can, with time, degenerate, if not maintained by the highest of personal standards. A uniform, static populace, neither serves itself nor the Nation and, becomes with time, a de-facto slave state since those who are educated will, as their feelings of ‘superiority’ becomes ever so pronounced, will never allow such a uneducated herd to direct tbem – the obvious heir apparent to continued, and growing power.

Continue reading “White Nationalist Position: Education”




The format of the White Genocide Manifesto is by calculated intent designed to exclude and ignore the sophistries of establishment sanctioned “authorities.” Power systems both religious and secular throughout recorded time have invented and canonized Bishops, Priests, Professors, Historians, Propaganda experts, Word-smiths, Doctors in various alleged disciplines and a host of similar glorified prostitutes, for the specific purpose of befuddling, misleading, controlling and using the masses.

Two well known historical figures who fell out of favor after exhibiting rare candor are Napoleon Bonaparte and Henry Ford. Bonaparte after perusing documents from the Vatican library is reported to have said, “History is a fable.” Henry Ford after commissioning a group of scholars to investigate the real powers behind governments made the statement, “History is bunk.” An author named Trevanian wrote that “The propaganda of the victors becomes the history of the vanquished.” The fact is, all power systems rewrite history and propagandize contemporary events for self-serving purposes.

Dignifying the deceptions of system prostitutes by quotation, debate or by acceding to use of politically sanctioned terminology only legitimizes their harlotry and opens the doors to endless sophistry.

It has long been noted among men of perception that those who have acquired system sanction through so-called “higher education” seem particularly obtuse in accepting circumstances as shown by common sense, and that these “educated” individuals are usually the last to opt out of a corrupt, destructive and tyrannical system. This is so, partially because they have prostituted themselves for personal gain, but also, because higher education is more properly called “advanced brain pollution.” The purpose of higher education is to create managers for the masters’ empire.

In light of these stated circumstances, the White Genocide Manifesto will not rely on the words of “recognized” authorities or “approved” writings. The Manifesto’s statements and conclusions come primarily from three sources: Nature’s Laws, common sense and current circumstances. The present power structure’s intellectual masturbation specialists will almost certainly react with the usual specious word games, for ophistry is the only recourse when denying fact. For example, when I state that only around 8% of the earth’s population is White, I can foresee from past experience the system prostitutes attempting debate on whether the figure should be 9%, or whether modern Greeks are White, or if there even is a White race. They have a semantic arsenal of deception almost without end. It is self-evidently invalid, political rhetoric. The undamentals of the White Genocide Manifesto are absolute Truth in spirit, functional in detail and undeniable by men of good conscience and reasonable mind.

The Manifesto by design and intent uses time honored terminology in deliberate contravention of politically motivated semantic desecration. For centuries the word “gay” referred to a joyous mood, while the word “homosexual” referenced a sad state of affairs in which the natural role of male to female was abandoned in favor of something which denies Nature’s intent. For centuries the 3 major races of the world have been called Negroid, Mongoloid and Aryan, (now called Caucasoid, to mean White, so as to include Jews and other Asiatics). The colored races of the world( comprising over 90% of the earth’s population and far more when considering the all important demographic statistic of child-bearing age or younger ) are not a minority.

Western civilization is the creation of White man, from indoor plumbing and central heating, to more sophisticated inventions such as symphony orchestras, modern communications and anesthetics.

The addition of a suffix such as “ist” or “ism” does not demonize a word. Just as a Baptist loves and supports his religion, so a Racist loves and supports his race. The preservation of one’s own kind being the first and highest Law of Nature, when the existence of one’s own race is threatened, then racism becomes a Nature ordained imperative of the highest order. The White Genocide Manifesto does not comply with corruption of language as in the examples given, or to other politically sanctioned but fallacious terminology.

The Manifesto attaches little, if any, weight to the statements of political or religious prostitutes from power systems of this or any other age. The best judgment of intent is derived from actions, results and who benefits. Recognizing that no race commits suicide voluntarily, the Manifesto exposes the racial-religious tribe which now rules over the once White countries and which denies the White race not only White countries, but White schools, White neighborhoods, White organizations and everything necessary for survival as a biological and cultural entity.

Let it be understood that the term “racial integration” is a euphemism for genocide. The inevitable result of racial integration is a percentage of inter-racial matings each year, leading to extinction, as has happened to the White race in numerous areas in the past. As the White remnant is submerged in a tidal wave of five billion coloreds, they will become an extinct species in a relatively short time. This genocide is being accomplished by deliberate design. The author of this Manifesto, his comrades, both in chains and out, and others retaining their powers of reason stand in opposition.

Zionist control of the media, a


~ Davud Eden Lane ~

Guest Discussion: Fighting Amongst Ourselves

Fighting Amongst Ourselves


via Renegade Tribune

I have been accused of late of fomenting rebellion within the nationalist movement. I suppose this could be construed as the case, although I reject the allegation that it amounts to “fighting amongst ourselves.”

Since the days of fascism—proceeded by the destruction of German nationalism, the subjugation of Italy by homicidal communists and gangsters, and the English 1936 Public Order act which banned the wearing of political uniforms out-of-doors—nationalism has not progressed or developed one iota. Partly it has been diminished to an unrecognisable silhouette of its former vigour, while the rump luxuriates in the past, the way an overly enthusiastic historic reenactment society might. To critically identify and these failings and suggest improvements is not an attempt to incite a fracas, it is a sincere, though deliberate effort to evoke debate, self-evaluation, and fertilise the intellectual pastures of the ‘Far Right.’

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Gretta Duisenberg, Mark Steyn, & Anti-Racism

Gretta Duisenberg, Mark Steyn, & Anti-Racism

2,325 words

Gretta Duisenberg
Gretta Duisenberg

Although a title to an article normally suggests that the author claims, reliably or not, some expertise in the subject, I know next to nothing about Gretta Duisenberg. I haven’t consulted her website, which is presumably in Dutch, and don’t know whether Gretta is smart or deranged. I first learned about her from a recent Mark Steyn column, and several minutes later acquired the bulk of my limited knowledge from her brief Wikipedia entry.

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Journalists Lie, People Die: Who Is Responsible for Ferguson?

Journalists Lie, People Die
Who Is Responsible for Ferguson?

1,040 wordsdemonstrators-defy-curfew-ferguson-260x185

Journalists are never innocent.

Their job is not to report facts. It is to reinforce a certain Narrative. The Narrative holds that European-Americans, especially heterosexual European-American men, are uniquely culpable for creating systems of oppression. These systems of oppression are responsible for any disparate impacts between whites and other races.

Journalists are also responsible for hunting down dissenters from the Narrative and trying to destroy them. They are the System’s foot soldiers. They are a control mechanism. And they know exactly what they are doing.

Continue reading “Journalists Lie, People Die: Who Is Responsible for Ferguson?”