
Frank L. DeSilva: The Metaphysics of Blood & The Future Folk State

The Metaphysics of Blood & The Future Folk State

Frank L. DeSilva - Radio 3Fourteen - The Metaphysics of Blood and the Folk-State
Frank L. DeSilva – Radio 3Fourteen – The Metaphysics of Blood and the Folk-State

Metaphysics of Blood 

1492: The Clash of Civilizations & the Grey Legend

1492: The Clash of Civilizations & the Grey Legend

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Salvador Dalí, The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus, 1959
Salvador Dalí, The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus, 1959

In Latin America, the voices that seek to give a poetic tinge to the past so as to legitimize their chosen future decided to name Columbus Day, October the 12th, Día de la Raza, the “Day of the Race.”

Expressions and meanings are not always univocal, and what in Iberia could be understood as the presence of the same race both on the peninsula and on the other side of the sea, in America came to carry a brand new meaning. Anything could result from the clash of one culture against many, as well as the interaction between two races, but never a race, although political correctness insists constantly on the origin of a new race born from the clash of civilizations. Either that, or a bloody and genocidal invasion.

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Alain Daniélou’s The Myths & Gods of India

Alain Daniélou’s The Myths & Gods of India

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Alain Daniélou

The Myths and Gods of IndiaMythsandGodsofIndia-225x300

Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions, 1991.
(Originally published as Hindu Polytheism by Bollingen Foundation, New York, 1964.)

Typically, those who profess an interest in what might be called “Indo-European spirituality” gravitate toward either the Celtic or Germanic traditions. The Indian tradition tends to be ignored. In part, this is because present-day Indians seem so different from us. We think of their culture and philosophy as “Eastern,” as alien. Physically, the Indians look very different from those of European descent (though higher caste Indians tend to look very European, right down to lighter skin and hair, and sometimes blue eyes). But if we wish to rediscover the religion and traditions of our ancestors, what better place is there to begin than with India? The oldest Indo-European texts are the Vedas, after all. To be sure, it is hard to separate what comes from the ancient Aryans in Indian religion, myth, and mysticism, and what was contributed by the indigenous peoples conquered by the Aryans. But the same problem exists with respect to the Celtic and Germanic traditions. In addition, we know far more about the culture and religion of the ancient Aryans who invaded India, than we do about the culture and religion of the Celts and the Vikings. For one thing, more ancient texts survive in India. Therefore, anyone wishing to re-construct the “old ways” must become deeply immersed in all things Indian.

It is a cliche to state this in a review, but I write the following with total sincerity: if you read only one book on Hinduism, it must be Daniélou’s Myths and Gods of India. Indeed, it is hard to imagine why one would need to read any other. Daniélou’s account of Hinduism is exhaustive, profound, and detailed. The book contains, first of all, cogent arguments on behalf of polytheism.

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H/T Operation Werwolf

vagina_gentiumThe Ancient Romans referred to the northern and central Europe (Teutonic regions) as vagina gentium – the womb of (White) nations. And yes, the Out of Africa fraud was not very popular at the time, and they correctly identified those regions as the homeland of the European people, after the Caucasus ceased to be one due to massive Asiatic invasions and subsequent dissolution of the White tribes that lived there. What happened? Well, if one would use modern nomenclature it was nothing else than a forced “diversity”. So highly praised by leftist governments in Europe and Northern America. Interestingly, the same process can be observed right now – and of course, the negroid, mestizo and Muslim invasions of today appear to be much more peaceful than the Asiatic invasions thousands of years ago (they’re not), but the outcome will be still the same – “diversity” will in fact annihilate our own diverse race through interbreeding and the fact that numbers are, as they always were, against us. And as degenerate leftists like to say: “one day we’ll all be caffe au lait colored”. They laugh at the prospect of the impending doom of their own White race, her culture, tradition and customs build over millenia of tireless efforts and achievements of our ancestors, which were nothing short of extraordinary.

Quite recently, there has been a discovery that irritated some modern chair-bound “scientists”. Bizarre. There was no migration from Africa into Europe 40 000 years ago – the only true African “migration” is the massive flood of illegal non-European immigrants happening right now. No, we don’t have a common African ancestor. And no, we didn’t evolve from an ape – saying so would be just a mere hypothesis, unworthy of repeating in myriads of newspapers, books, lectures etc. And last, but not least – Neanderthal was not in any way inferior. Or perhaps I just missed the achievements of the super-evolved Homo Sapiens in Africa. It’s all just such a pain for those fighting ethnicity-based pride:

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Jan Assmann’s – Moses the Egyptian: The Hatred Born on Sinai

The Hatred Born on Sinai:
Jan Assmann’s Moses the Egyptian

2,494 words

Jan Assmannassmann-moses-the-egyptian-harvard-university-196x300
Moses the Egyptian: The Memory of Egypt in Western Monotheism
Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1997

When I first read Jan Assmann’s Moses the Egyptianin June of 1997, it was a life-changing experience.Moses the Egyptian belongs to the rarest genre of academic books: the bold and exciting ones. Although he is a careful, rigorous, highly specialized scholar, Assmann ranges over the full breadth of Western thought and even to reaches toward the eternal, all in order to illuminate the great wound in Western history: the emergence of Biblical monotheism.

Now Professor Emeritus of Egyptology at the University of Heidelberg, Assmann is one of the leading Egyptologists of the last half century. Late in his career, beginning with Moses the Egyptian, Assmann began publishing a series of books exploring the common roots and little-known connections of two traditions that run from Ancient Egypt to the present day: Biblical monotheism and Egyptian pantheism or “cosmotheism.”

(Assmann’s other relevant volumes in English are The Price of Monotheism [Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2010], Of God and Gods: Egypt, Israel, and the Rise of Monotheism [Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2008], Religio Duplex: How the Enlightenment Reinvented Egyptian Religion [Cambridge, U.K.: Polity Press, 2014], and the forthcoming From Akhenaten to Moses: Ancient Egypt and Religious Change [Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press, 2014]. I hope to review all of these in due time.)

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Thoughts on the 70th Anniversary of D-Day

Invading Their Own Country:
Thoughts on the 70th Anniversary of D-Day

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With detachment, we see reality. What was achieved by those we remember today – those brave white Americans, British, Canadians, and Europeans who overcame the mines and machine guns of Hitler’s Fortress Europe? 

As time passes, historians of the future will be able to take the long view on the Second World War in the same way we can sensibly discuss the rise and fall of Carthage or the Golden Horde. Absent the propaganda, the shrieking moralizing, the half-truths, and the outright lies, the real consequence of the Allied victory is obvious. Within a historically insignificant period of time after the fall of the Third Reich, European people and European civilization will cease to exist – unless something changes.

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Foundations: For Others and Their Prosperity

For Others & Their Prosperity

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There exists no simpler, shorter, or more poetic expression of nationalism than five words from the Constitution of the United States – “For Ourselves and Our Posterity.” For all the flaws of the Founding, no White Nationalist can dispute the beauty of that phrase, nor its relevance to our cause. 

Yet as the American Experiment rolls on, even the Constitution is destined to be trampled, as the United States may be the only nation in history where patriotism is defined as the willingness to replace your own citizens.

The Nature of the American Polity

Any nation, by definition, excludes. Some people belong to the political community, and some do not. All nations are reliant to some extent on ethnic kinship. Some admit it, some deny it, but all need it, as the first political communities relied upon blood ties, with extended families developing into tribes. Whether it be an empire or a city-state, any polity needs an ethnic core that can be built upon. A pure “proposition nation” doesn’t exist any more than do unicorns – and the fact that some people claim to have seen one or the other makes no difference.

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Will Kymlicka And The Disappearing Dominion

Will Kymlicka and the disappearing Dominion

Will Kymlicka and the disappearing Dominion

RICARDO DUCHESNE analayses the highly dubious ‛achievements’ of a much-fêted academic

Karl Mannheim’s concept of free-floating intellectuals engaged in the production of knowledge unconcerned with personal motives and interests has long attracted liberal academics uncomfortable with Karl Marx’s argument that knowledge is ultimately a reflection of one’s class interest, because it offered an image of themselves as self-sacrificing men pursuing truth objectively for the sake of humanity. Will Kymlicka, the most influential advocate of the “exceptional” Canadian model of “immigrant multiculturalism,” is generally seen in this light, an academic who produces research for the benefit of everyone in the world.

Kymlicka is not an original thinker in the manner of John Rawls, Eric Voegelin, or Jurgen Habermas, but his research is relied upon by all the mainstream political parties, universities, and NGOs. He is a most trusted intellectual ostensibly standing above petty motives and crass interests. He is arguably the best connected and best funded academic in Canada, regularly producing papers commissioned by government agencies and corporations, including Forum of FederationsICCSCitizenship and Immigration Canadaand the Transatlantic Council on Migration.

Mainstream readers have criticized him from the left as a centrist who defends liberal institutions, and from the right as a collectivist who advocates special rights for minorities. He is the man in the middle. In this essay, I will show that Kymlicka is in truth an advocate of the overthrow of the traditional European-centred culture of Canada, of mass immigration and of racially mixed states across the Western world.

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